Meeting place and counselling centre for people with and without accommodation - in the heart of Südstadt
Im Ferkulum 42
50678 Köln
Organisation: Vringstreff e. V.
Opening hours:
Usual opening hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Thursday: 11:30-17:00
Tuesday: 11:30-14:30
Friday: 9:00-12:00
and by arrangement
You can come to us:
No dogs
What we offer:
Food & Drink
Leisure, Education & Culture
Internet | WLAN
Post & Account
Power | Charging devices
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Further information:
Our mission is to enable people with special social difficulties to integrate and participate in society. We are located in the heart of Südstadt, behind the Severinskirche.
Our offer at a glance:
- Professional advice and support (e.g. homelessness, imminent loss of housing, social assistance (SGB XII), basic income support (SGB XII), unemployment benefit II (SGB II), housing benefit/housing entitlement certificate (WBS), debts, addiction problems)
Appointment and written consultation also possible online: https://vringstreff.de/hilfe-beratung/
- Lunch & Friday BreakfastPeople on low incomes can meet other people from Monday to Thursday (12:00-14:00, admission from 11:30) for 2.40 euros over a freshly cooked meal (with or without meat). On Friday mornings (9:00-11:00) there is a delicious breakfast for 1.70 euros.
- Afternoon café with cake on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 3.00 pm
- Leisure offer: The painting group takes place regularly on Wednesdays and the games afternoon on Thursdays. We announce other activities on the notice board in the Vringstreff and on social media.
- Digital learning workshop: This is about the possibilities of digital access to help, support & advice as well as communication & social participation. Current dates: https://vringstreff.de/digitale-lernwerkstatt/
- PO Box & Account (P.O. Box is possible with us (if something is available), we will be happy to advise you on the subject of an account)
- Internet access via free W-LAN. A notebook is also available for use on site.
- Power is available at the mobile phone charging station.
- The work areas in our employment project are in the kitchen and in the service of the café.
The Vringstreff is also a refill station. Bottles and containers you bring with you are refilled with fresh tap water free of charge.