
Information according to § 5 TMG

Vringstreff e.V.
Im Ferkulum 42
50678 Köln

Register of associations: VR 11966
Register court: Cologne

Represented by:
1st Chairman: Pastor Hans Mörtter
2nd Chairperson: Andrea Münstermann (Judge)


Phone: 0221 / 278 56 56 - Please noteWould you like to call a specific facility (other than Vringstreff)? Then please use the telephone number linked there on the offer page of the facility.
E-mail: - Please noteWould you like to send an e-mail to a specific institution (other than Vringstreff)? Then please use the e-mail address linked there on the offer page of the institution.

Editorially responsible

The web portal "" is operated by various institutions and organisations from the field of homelessness assistance in the city area. The responsibility for the description and accessibility of the services offered by the individual providers is always the responsibility of these providers. Vringstreff e. V., represented by the managing director Dr Thomas Münch, is responsible for the contributions on the homepage and for the conceptual and editorial content.

Consumer dispute resolution/universal arbitration board

We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.


Wohnungslos in Köln