Café Auszeit - Zwei

Contact and counselling centre for women

An der Fuhr 3, Wohnung 101
50997 Köln

Organisation: Sozialdienst katholischer Frauen e.V.

Opening hours:

Monday 9:00-12:00
Tuesday and Thursday 10:00-15:00

You can come to us:


No dogs

What we offer:


Food & Drink

Hygiene & Showers


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Further information:

"Café Auszeit - Zwei" Women's counselling centre in Kölner Süden, on the Kölnberg in Meschenich.

Here, women find a place to turn to for problems and difficulties of all kinds: debt and over-indebtedness, livelihood security and poverty, the threat of homelessness, addiction, violence, unemployment, family conflicts.

Wohnungslos in Köln