Fachberatungsdienst Wohnungsnot / Wohnhilfen Köln

Assistance in housing emergencies

Kalk-Mülheimer Str. 177
51103 Köln

Organisation: Diakonie Michaelshoven Soziale Hilfen gGmbH

Opening hours:

Monday to Friday 9-13 h
Thursday 2-5 pm

You can come to us:


Dogs ok

What we offer:


Internet | WLAN

Post & Account

Streetwork & Plate

Power | Charging devices

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Further information:

Diakonie Michaelshoven's specialist counselling service for homeless people brings together various homelessness support services under one roof.

In addition to specialist counselling for all citizens of the Kalk district with its neighbourhoods: Kalk, Humboldt/Gremberg, Merheim, Brück, Neubrück, Ostheim, Rath/Heumar and Vingst, women's counselling, online counselling, street work, hotel scouts, BerMico and BeWo according to §67 ff. of SGB XII as well as outpatient support for women according to §67 ff. of SGB XII are also provided under the same roof.

If you are already homeless or at risk of homelessness, you are welcome to contact us during opening hours.

You can also contact us if you have a housing emergency (e.g. overcrowded or unacceptable living space).

We offer:

  • Free and, if desired, anonymous counselling
  • Counselling and support with difficulties with authorities and offices
  • Support in finding accommodation through housing coaching
  • Placement in emergency shelters, assisted living, medical care, drug counselling, therapy, debt counselling, legal counselling, food banks, clothing stores
  • general social counselling
  • Information materials
  • Postal accessibility (but no account)
  • Use of digital end devices
Wohnungslos in Köln