B.O.J.E. (Beratung und Orientierung für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene)

Contact and counselling bus for young people up to 27 years of age

Breslauer Platz
50668 Köln

Organisation: Auf Achse KJSH e.V. in Kooperation mit dem Gesundheitsamt der Stadt Köln

Opening hours:

Location: Breslauer Platz, corner of Musical Dome, behind the taxi rank.
Monday-Thursday 14-17 h
Friday 10-13 o'clock
Individual counselling: Tuesday + Thursday 11:30-13h
PLEASE NOTE: Dogs are welcome outside. Dogs cannot be taken inside.

You can come to us:


Dogs ok

What we offer:


Until 27 years

Food & Drink

Leisure, Education & Culture

Internet | WLAN


Medical care

Streetwork & Plate

Power | Charging devices

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Further information:

Safer use (syringe exchange, snuff tubes, etc.)
Safer sex (condoms, lubricant, etc.)
Accompaniment to offices etc. possible
All offers free of charge

Wohnungslos in Köln